Navigate your frog through maze of lily pads and dangers, reach the end and receive your fortune. The game and fortunes are strictly entertainment, but the fortunes are involved and designed to aid and assist individuals that have questions or merely want to find out what fate has in store for them.

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Learn the secrets of the 5 icons of the Fortune Frog. Each icon has its own specific qualities and characteristics. Use the Fortune Charts to find what the Fates have in store for you.

Click the icons below to learn about each icon and its meaning.

Based on the science of Random Event Connection Quantum Theory, the fortunes of the Frog can help you unlock the mysteries of the Universe for stricly entertainment.

A daily fortune reading will involve three different fortunes. The first fortune is related to your mind, the second is related to your physical environment or body and the last fortune is related to the forces operating in the world around you.

Click Here to download the Daily Fortune Chart.